Thursday, October 28, 2010

Blog Post #10

 An Open Letter to Educators

This was a very interesting post and video! I felt that some of the facts where true and others where questionable. Yes, technolgy is growing faster than most people can learn the information. However, it is the teacher's responsibility to try and stay caught up on technology. I on the other hand do not agree that going to College gets in the way of an "Education" that is the craziest thing I have ever heard. School has taught me how to use and understand technology. Yes, I do feel that schools all around the world are worried about their creditably way more than they learn about their students ability to learn. Should we give up? No, we must show and encourage students to learn and want to learn. Every student learns differently and every child or adult succeeds in different areas. For instance, in this class (EDM 310) you must have time management skills and always be alert and ready for a challenge. I personally have enjoyed all the hands on work. However, some students may hate learning on their on and having to manage their time without someone encouraging them and reminding them. I have to agree that Lecture is REALLY boring and can get old. I realize that as a teacher I may have a subject that I must lecture on, but I hope that I can make that lecture entertaining and worth listening to. 

Tom Johnson's Don't let them take the Pencils Home!!
I think that this post was very interesting and worth reading. I feel that Tom makes a good point. The take home message that I got from reading this article was that we often get stuck on a problem. When we get stuck on a problem I think that we find a solution and that solution is the only solution we except. Maybe I am completely wrong about Tom's post. But I took home that we must be opened minded and learn from others and be willing to except correction. What message did you get?

Two Question's that Can Change your Life 
I really liked this video... I guess I never thought of motivation in one sentence. So...
What's my sentence? 

 " I will finish my education so that I can be an example and a teacher of children."

Was I better today than yesterday? 
To answer yes to this question. I must go to school everyday. I must work hard on all school work given and I must show willingness to learn new things about becoming the best teacher I can be.


  1. Great post. I had similar views on the open to educators and the pencils assignments. Some of his points were valid, others....not so much. And I believe flexibility in how your willing to teach and approach the students are very important as well. And yes, people in influential positions like teachers and parents do lead by example :)

  2. Crystal,

    I agree that school is extremely important, and I cannot understand why anyone would want to stop learning. There are all different ways of learning, but like you said, we cannot give up. We must find our strengths and use them. I do, however, disagree that it is entirely up to the teacher to learn about technology. While the teacher does have the most responsibility, the school also has to back him/her up. Sometimes teachers don't have access to technology or support. Keep that in mind because you could find yourself in this situation.

    I think you understood Tom's message quite well. As teachers we do need to find solutions to the problem and be positive. We also must be open minded, willing to learn, and take correction to be the teachers that truly make a difference!
